January 28, 2007

My World

Ever since I announced to my people, my desire and dream to set foot in music land and to record my debut album, I've been receiving mixed reactions. Appreciated wat they had to say, every single one of them. Be it positive or negative, love or hate, honest or white lies. However to fully understand the world that I am in, I juz can't help but categorise my people in 3 different groups. 1) The BELIEVERS - The ones who's at the top of my list. The ones who's always asking " How I can help you achieve this music dream?". Keeping me focus. Utilising their resources (time, money) on me. My dream is beginning to be a part of their dream. I'll be forever indebted to you guys. Rest assured, disappointing u guys had never even crossed my mind. 2) The SUPPORTERS/ WELL-WISHERS - The ones in the middle. Could make their way up to No 1 or tumble to No 3. "Good luck" , "Best wishes", "May you succeed".....The order of the day. Still an essential part of my world. Observing from afar. My failure or success don't really matter to them but they will want to share my happiness if i do succeed. 3) The DOUBTERS / NON-BELIEVERS - Not even a slightest ounce of confidence in my dream. Expert in planting seeds of doubt. Juz waiting to say " I told u so". My failure would be a delicacy to savour.

ZAIBAKTIAN ]|[ Sunday, January 28, 2007