August 14, 2007

Post Production

Exhausted and relieved....Words to describe the state I'm in after an eventful last few days. Exhausted physically and mentally. I have spent the last 2 weeks doing post production works on my songs and album. Editing, mixing and decision making were just some of the processes I had undertaken and it was tough work.....tougher than I had expected initially. Relieved cos as of today, I had finally achieved a milestone in my own music journey. At last , I had given birth to my own debut album. This final product will be what I would have, to show for all the efforts and hardwork spent.....blood and sweat I had shed. Whatever the outcome at the end of all this, my gut feeling is it had been worth it!! It's now time to add the final piece to the puzzle. The album's will be off to Kuala Lumpur to be mastered at ProDG Studios by Faisal Ghazali. My fingers' crossed that by the end of this mastering session, I would have a great product in my hands and be able to share the album with you guys!


ZAIBAKTIAN ]|[ Tuesday, August 14, 2007