May 5, 2008
My Best Friend's Wedding
1st May was a very special day indeed. Other than it being Labour Day (which means public holiday...tak applicable utk aku pasal aku keje shift) , it was to be Meraj's special day. His relationship with the ever sweet Rosmawati coming full circle on this very day. Words can't express how delighted I am. Years of ups and down...sekejap jadi....sekejap tak jadi...dan akhirnya menjadi!
I had arrived at Meraj's residence at 0900hrs. Seems everyone's there, friends and extended family included. Everyone's busy doing their final preparation. Meraj's getting all made up.....nak jadi
Raja lah kata kan....
We left his home around 1000hrs, all ready for the akad nikah ceremony to be held at 1100hrs. The wedding car was a BMW. Memandangkan kereta German memang efficient, kita telah sampai awal sangat. Maklumlah dari Bt Batok ke Yishun bukan jauh. So we let King Meraj layan perasaan kat dlm kreta sambil tunggu rakyat yg lain sampai.
Around 1045hrs, we slowly proceeded to the wedding area. As bestman, terpaksalah gua kena remind dia suruh jalan slow...mesti kena acknowledge rakyat kat kiri dan kanan dia.....hahaha.
Fast forward to the akad nikah....Meraj was quite relaxed while waiting for the kadi to arrive. Then kadi pun sampai...followed by a couple of speeches and paperwork signed.....came the moment of truth. Alhamdulillah, with a single lafaz they're officially husband and wife!
My family & I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate Meraj & Wati on their happy wedding. Kalaulah korang ni artis...dah conferm wedding of the year!! Semoga berkekalan hingga ke akhir hayat!
ZAIBAKTIAN ]|[ Monday, May 05, 2008