February 3, 2007
Ingredients For A Feast

I've just dabbled into songwriting about few months ago. Been proud of my progress so far. Been an avid music listener all my life and somehow certain songs stuck on me. It could be the catchy tune, the haunting melody, the pounding beats, the intricate basslines, the "as if crying" guitar sounds, the "over the top" vocal delivery, the "this seems like my life story" lyrics or it could just be plain and simple... i'm just a fan of the singer.
But ever since i gained admission to the brotherhood of songwriting...yeah, sworn in for life.....my life has not been normal.... been pretty out of sync: - have not read the papers for days....my bed, pillows and my love had been spared of "molestation" - mind you, tat's a bad thing! Anyway, i guess i got to take it easy for a while. Won't be too difficult i think......haha....lying down on my sofa....my eyes halfway closed...wat the f*#k?....wait....i think i hear something.....could that be a demon or a fairy whispering a tune in my ear.....yeah, baby yeah....then f*#k, i'm back sitting strumming my guitar aimlessly till kingdom come....just for the endless pursuit of a melody...(wat a stupid idiot! haha)
Back to the subject of music...on a serious note( pun intended) my involvement in songwriting and music production process had taught me one thing. While the artistes do deserve credit for their intrepetation and delivery of a song, more often than not, the person/s responsible for creating the song in the 1st place don't usually get the credit they do deserve.
For me personally, everytime i give birth to a song that i can rightfully call my own, it's always satisfying. Even though an endless amount of perspiration, luck and hope goes into it....it's all worth it to me even if it's for my own listening pleasure. Now and then , I'm constantly evaluating my songs' recipes...juz to ensure i have the right ingredients in them....not just to be a feast for my ears....For yours too!
P.S. ( Pls do give me comments/support if you came to my blog by chance or on purpose. I'm not yet an artiste...I'm a beggar. So pls I beg u for ur comments :)
Labels: zaibaktian
ZAIBAKTIAN ]|[ Saturday, February 03, 2007