September 5, 2007
Album Launch 010907 @ Hjh Esah's Cafe
What can I say about the album launch? It's something that I will remember till the day I die. I'm short of superlatives here to describe my feelings but let's just say it was an amazing experience :)
(story to be continued....hehe)
I do hope everyone's that had ever known me, know that I have you guys in my heart forever.
The people who made this album launch possible are very dear to me........without them I am I would like to take this opportunity to say my heartfelt thanks. I should have and would have said my thanks to some people and group if given the chance again and I'm hopeful, insyaallah, that I will have that chance!
Thanks to All my families & friends, whether you are present at the launch or guys are the reason I'm able to do this. Your support and encouragements help me keep my fire burning!
Thanks Niezza for planning with me my album launch right from the start! It was a pleasure working with you, babe!
Thanks Ays, Seema & Irfa for your great work at the launch! For the constant support, you gals are in my hearts forever!
Thanks Rafiz for your undying belief and support for me! You're the man!
Thanks Meraj. My blood brother. Enuff said.
Thanks Mahadir, Izam, Amin, Sophian, Hazan, Hernee - getting you guys to play my songs with dedication was a great honour!
Thanks Azlan for the concept and design since the beginning of this project. From the cd to the poster's been a can only get better!!
Thanks Kak Ifah & family for lending me a shoulder to cry on just when I thought the launch would never been possible.
Thanks Zoul, Azli, Awil, Yan, Iqmal and the whole team for the hardwork and dedication to ensure things ran well at the launch!
Thanks Didicazli for hosting the event with style and aplomb! For supporting me on such short notice. You deserve the best!!
Thanks Mahadir, Izam, Amin, Sophian, Hazan, Hernee - getting you guys to play my songs with dedication was a great honour!
Thanks Rafaat Hamzah for your presence and support for me from the start. Giving me the chance to perform at your wedding was a great honour!
Thanks Zaharian Osman for the article in Berita Harian.
Thanks Hajjah Esah Cafe for the venue, food, drinks....
Labels: zaibaktian
ZAIBAKTIAN ]|[ Wednesday, September 05, 2007