October 28, 2007

My First Time...

We all remember our first time doing something, don't we? The first time isn't always great...but more often tha not, it will leave you scarred or maybe the moment might have a special place in your heart forever. I already had a couple of 'virgin' moments during my music adventure. Yesterday, I had another one. For the very 1st time yesterday, I performed unlike my usual performance. This time, I do not have my sessionists backing me up. I just felt that it wasn't right to engage them during this hari raya period. So I took to the stage for my performance at Changi-Simei Hari Raya show equipped with only a minus one CD containing 2 songs 'Pesona Rindu' & 'Keagungan Mu'. I had performed previously alone during my singing competition days but not since I had taken the decision to cut an album. It felt strange during the pre-show as I wasn't indulging in casual banter with my sessionists but I guess me performing by myself will be more often than not in the coming times. One problem is having to seek the commitments of the sessionists backing me up at every show I'm performing. Of course, given a choice I would love to have my musician brothers involved in my shows, backing me up but I do need to have my minus one cds ready if all else fail. Anyway, it was a show for me! Love it! Personally I feel that I have improved myself greatly on the subject of stage showmanship. Used to be under a great amount of stress communicating with the audience but slowly and surely, I'm getting to grips with it. More to leran though and I'll keep learning. Anyway, the show at Changi- Simei CC....the very first time I had 'makciks' and 'pakciks' dancing to the tune of my song. Lovely indeed....

ZAIBAKTIAN ]|[ Sunday, October 28, 2007